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Modular Daybed From ‘Modular Meditation Spaces’ Series by Artist & Designer Alexander Kaye

What was originally conceived out of pragmatic necessity has now become more of a way-of-life for me. I think it mainly stems not only from already-learned skills of how to best use a small space, but also from continually updated and remanifested mindsets of intentionally *keeping* my spaces smaller *by* having less items rather than more. Ultimately I know that the always-present urge to slim down my possessions and my lifestyle is that of anti-capitalism and anti-consumerism/materialism sentiments. Hell, to me, is waking up in 20 years with closets and basements and attics overflowing with *things* that I haven’t seen or looked at or cared about for ages.

The ‘Modular Meditation’ series is centered around mixed-used & removable modular cushions designed primarily for use as meditation cushions. In my spaces, I like to have most of the furniture or home-objects capable of being used in multiple different ways. This is born from the learned mindset and skillset of efficient & organized living within bigger cities, I.e.- smaller spaces. This way, I can have unique and nichely-designed objects in my area without having them gluttonously take up space as being only one-function items. 

Modular Bench From ‘Modular Meditation Spaces’ Series by Artist & Designer Alexander Kaye
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